Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dragonfly Wedding Invitations (Invitatii de nunta cu libelule)

With winter just knocking at the door, our studio is already buzzing with dragonflies, butterflies, ladybugs bright colors and spring weddings.

I remember like it was yesterday a time just like this, 2 years ago designing Elena's wedding invitations.

She starded with a dark Tim Burton theme, but for some reason she decided to turn 180 degrees and pick a sunny color palette, sunflowers maybe even animated with dragonflies and ladybugs,

Modele create cu darg pentru Elena, care, in urma cu 2 ani pe vremea aceasta isi dorea niste invitatii stil Tim Burton. Apoi s-a gandit la ceva mai vesel cu floarea soarelui, mamarute si libebule.

First attempt (after the sunflowers and ladybugs have been discarded as well. I love the simplicity and purity of this DL card in a white envelope. Maybe add extra matching cards for the reception information, map, RSVP.

Iata primele modele de invitatii, dupa ce am renuntat la floarea soarelui si la mamarute. Imi place simplitatea si puritatea acestui model format standard (DL) intr-un plic alb. Se pot adauga la nevoie carduri de receptie, harti, carduri de raspuns in acelasi ton.

Add a box for a more sophisticated look or keep the simplicity of the envelope but mix your card colors.

Pentru nunti mai sofisticate invitatiile se pot pune si in cutii...

Sau pentru un aspect mai vesel putem face cardurile de mai multe culori.

Another favorite of mine. Yellow card with a yellow bow that somehow reminds me of the dragonfly's shape.

O preferata de-a mea: galben pe galben, iar funda aminteste de forma libelulei.

Or maybe you prefer more contrast.

In the end Elena preferred the large bows from my original round gatefold designs:

In cele din urma Elena a preferat fundele mari, renuntand complet la conceptul libelulei, dandu-mi ocazia sa-mi intregesc colectia cu aceste minunate combinatii de culori calde.

So here it is: "The Yellow Dragonfly Collection".
I still have to show you Elena's finished invitations, but that has to be left for another post as this one is already too long.

Acesta a fost colectia "Galben si Libelule". Mai trebuie sa va arat invitatiile Elenei finalizate, insa voi lasa asta pe data viitoare ca deja m-am lungit prea mult.

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